What Exactly Is Job Satisfaction?
This blog focuses on marketing jobs that have high job satisfaction. But what exactly does that mean? It’s important to understand what job satisfaction is and why it’s important before we dive into how it applies to marketing jobs. Job satisfaction is the emotion felt towards your position at your place of work. In more simple terms, it’s a measure of how satisfied you are with your job. Employers frequently measure job satisfaction by use of surveys to see how employees feel about their work environment and specific role. From these surveys, employers are able to see areas in their workplace they are succeeding in and those that need improving. Employers that are known to have environments with high satisfaction tend to do these surveys often.
Why Is Job Satisfaction Important?
Now that we know what job satisfaction is and how employers track it, let’s talk about why it’s so important for both employers and employees. To start with why it’s important for employers, the jobs with the highest satisfaction have the lowest turnover rates. Employee turnover has many negative effects on a company as a whole. One of the biggest downsides of this is the cost. It is significantly cheaper to keep an existing employee than to hire a new one. Another downside of it is having to continually train new employees. Onboarding is usually a time consuming and expensive process for companies. The more time employees are spending training the less time they are helping the company gain profit. Employee production is also a huge factor of job satisfaction. Companies at which there is high job satisfaction see much better productivity from their employees than those that don’t. This makes complete sense when you think about it. People are more likely to be productive when they’re in a work environment that consists of supportive co-workers, motivating managers, and good energy throughout the workplace. Job satisfaction is of course, very important from the employee's standpoint as well. This factor has a significant impact on life satisfaction as well. Those that are happy in their jobs tend to live happier and healthier lives. Those that are not satisfied with their jobs tend to be stressed more and live less happy and healthy. Those that are happier in their jobs also tend to make more money. They’re usually motivated to work harder and end up becoming promoted and moving through the success ladder. Therefore, job satisfaction is a critical factor in company and employee success.
What do Employees look for in Marketing Jobs?
Learning what employees are looking for in marketing jobs will provide insight into what leads to high job satisfaction. Outside of the obvious, a higher salary, there are several other factors that can lead to a good work environment, and therefore high job satisfaction. Employees want to feel valued and appreciated. This may seem like a small thing however, giving positive feedback can make an employee feel more excited to come into work each day. Employees also want to be challenged, and being given simple monotonous tasks can lead employees to feel bored or feel that they are not living up to their potential. Additionally, employees want to have a chance to advance within the company. An employee is not likely to stick around if they are not given the opportunity to advance to higher positions. That same employee might be able to seek out a better position in a rival company or in a different industry. Employees also want a company that allows them flexibility. Are the employees allowed to partially work from home? Are employees expected to answer emails outside of work? How many sick days are the employees given? If an employer is not flexible with an employee they risk the employee being burned out. An employee is less likely to work as efficiently if they are feeling burnt out or mistreated by their employer.
What Marketing Positions Have High Job Satisfaction?
The marketing industry is really diverse and there are a lot of different jobs prospective employees can enter with a marketing degree. It is important that prospective employees look into which jobs offer the best job satisfaction before they enter the industry. One of the marketing positions with the highest job satisfaction is a marketing manager. A marketing manager typically manages a team of marketing experts in order to improve the sales of their company or client. The reason the marketing manager position has such high satisfaction is because employees are given a lot of autonomy. Many make decisions with little to no oversight from higher ups. Another reason employees have such a high satisfaction for the marketing manager position is because they make a median salary of $142,170, which is significantly higher than the average position in the marketing industry. Other positions that have high job satisfaction are creative marketing positions like advertising.